Writers of the West

How to Write and Publish your Christian book

How to Write and Publish your Christian book

If you are a devoted Christian who wants to share your faith, experiences, and insights with a wider audience, learning how to write a Christian book is essential. Whether you aim to inspire or educate people, carefully planning everything will help you in the long run. 

People need help finding publishing deals, but thanks to Amazon and Like, not anymore. You can now easily write and publish your Christian book and craft your narrative for the world to read. 

We are here to help you bring your Christian book to life by giving you tips and creating work loved by Christians all around the world. 

Why do you want to write a Christian book?

If you are a devoted Christian who wants to share your faith, experiences, and insights with a wider audience, learning how to write a Christian book is essential. Whether you aim to inspire or educate people, carefully planning everything will help you in the long run. 

People need help finding publishing deals, but thanks to Amazon and Like, not anymore. You can now easily write and publish your Christian book and craft your narrative for the world to read. 

We are here to help you bring your Christian book to life by giving you tips and creating work loved by Christians all around the world.

Writing and Publishing Your Christian Book 

In the first step in your journey of knowing how to write a Christian book, have an outline. Creating a mind map is even more helpful. Let it all out raw before you start to shape it in the form of a book and watch it progressively become better. 

Decide on the type of your book (fiction or non-fiction)

The first step in writing your Christian book is deciding whether it will be fictional or non-fiction. Through fiction, you can craft imaginative stories that send a compelling message. By non-fiction, you can share real-life experiences biblical teachings, and practical advice. 

You can choose this according to your expertise. Ask yourself whether you are better at storytelling or writing a personal testimony. Having a clear idea about your type of story will shape your writing process efficiently. 

Schedule a writing time

When you have a job or a house to manage along with kids, writing a Christian book can be hard. So it is recommended to either take one hour in the morning or at night, specifically for yourself. Some people pray in the morning and think at night so the decision is yours. Write approximately 500-1000 words or more, without worrying about grammar or punctuation. 

It is also recommended to take feedback from your friends or someone trusted since they might notice something you are not seeing. You can also set a weekly target word count to work more comprehensively. 

Decide the mode of publishing

In this era of digitalization, there are many ways to publish a book. One of the most famous yet difficult methods is finding a publishing deal. Although you will get into the bookshops, there is not a significant benefit from a publishing deal. 

Self-publishing on the other hand means that from editing to proofreading, formatting, and cover design, you do everything yourself. If you prefer things to be in your control then self-publishing is the best choice. 

You can also place your books on Amazon, which costs almost nothing. Especially, if your books are on Kindle, you will have a way higher profit margin than a publishing deal. Amazon provides several videos on YouTube to get you through the process of publishing smoothly. 

There are also hybrid methods of publishing. In hybrid methods, you will pay a certain amount to publishing houses. In return they edit, design your cover, and provide you with the book copies. 

However, be careful when choosing the publishing house and always read the small print to have a better idea of publishing a Christian book. 

Choose a book title and design your cover

It might not look as significant, but the book’s title and its sub-title make it the most reachable to the audience. For example, if your book is about spiritual growth, you can write your subtitle as ‘Practices to Deepen your Faith’ so when people search for books about deepening their faith, they land on yours. 

You can easily find what people are searching for on Amazon by going into the search box and typing words related to your books’ content. 

To design your book cover, you can use Canva and Bookbrush by buying their premium versions. You can also get freelance graphic designers from Fiver to design the cover for you. 

Proof-reading and Formatting your book

Now that you know how to get a Christian book published, it is time for the final proofreading and formatting. You can either proofread yourself or get it done professionally. 

Your final product will require formatting for print and for Amazon and Ingram Sparks. Have a PDF version or Word document for retailers. However, for ebook retailers like Kindle, Nook, Apple Books, etc you should have an e-pub or mobi format. 

Do your book marketing 

Marketing your Christian book can be a challenge but no need to worry. Use social media and start from your friend circle. If you have a published then marketing is their job, however, we do not see many Christian book adverts in the market. 

Remember to add an Amazon link to your sales page on your social media, LinkedIn page, and email signature bio to increase accessibility. Actively share customer feedback on your pages. 

You can also create a website or blog to have active discussions and chat rooms and use it for advertisement. 

Choosing the purchase price and printing copies

The final step is deciding your price and printing copies of your Christian book. If you are a self-publisher, choose whatever price you like. 

You can get extra copies printed to give at church and to family and friends through Ingram Sparks that is the cheapest way to get copies. 


We hope that by now you know how to write a Christian book and successfully publish it. Writing a book can be exciting and being organized adds up to its authenticity.

If you’re interested in doing a Christian book, opt for our Christian ghostwriting services. Happy writing and publishing!

Read More: Top 10 Popular Romance Themes for Your Novel

Hosanna Flores

Hosanna Flores

Senior book Editor at Writers of the West with over a decade of experience in ghostwriting best selling self-help and children's book.

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